Gallery India Ocean Inaugural Exhibition
Cutting Edge 40 인도 청년작가 5인전 “SWEET LAND”
Curated by In Sang Song, Korean Cultural Center in India
(송인상, 인도주재 한국문화원 예술감독)
Date: Sept. 29th - Nov. 23rd, 2014
Location: Gallery India Ocean (정동교회 앞 신아빌딩 B1)
Artists: Harish Ojha 하리쉬 오자
Vidya Sagar Singh 비다 사가 싱
Laishram Meena Devi 레스람 미나 데비
Shatrudhan Kumar Gupta 샤트루단 쿠마르 굽타
Sreeju Radhakrishnan 스리주 라다크리스난
*Unicef Project Artists Dileep Sharma (유니세프 프로젝트 아티스트 딜립 샤르마)
*Invited CEO Artist Kim, Kwang Ro (초청 CEO아티스트 김 광 로)
ART507의 갤러리 인디아오션 개관전 “Cutting Edge 40_달콤한 땅” 을 개최하게 된 것을 매우
기쁘게 생각합니다. 오늘, 인도와 수교 40년과 CEPA(포괄적 동반자협정) 발효 5년차를 맞이하며,
우리는 민주주의의 기반위에서 안정적인 경제성장을 하고 있는 13억 인구의 보고, 인도를 보았습니다.
중국미술의 10년 전을 기억하면서, 이제는 아시아, 아프리카, 유럽의 중심 축인
인도 현대미술의 원동력이 되고있는 젊고 뛰어난 인도 현대미술 작가들을 소개합니다.
We are thrilled to announce our inaugural exhibition at the Gallery India Ocean, entitled
“Cutting Edge 40_Sweet Land” organized by ART507. Today, celebrating forty years of
diplomatic ties and five years of CEPA(Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement) between
India and Korea, we’ve witnessed steady growth of economy with 1.3 billion people of
democracy India. Reminding of Chinese contemporary art back in 10 years, we’d like to
present talented Indian contemporary artists from the hub of art community among Asia,
Africa and Europe.
Cultural Fusion 3Acrylic on canvas 150x150cm 2014 | Rath YatraAcrylic on canvas 121x121cm 2014 | Mandapam 1Acrylic on canvas 121x121cm 2014 |
UntitledAcrylic on canvas 45 x 45 cm 2014 | CULTURAL ASPECTAcrylic on canvas 45 x 45 cm 2014 | UntitledAcrylic on canvas 45x45cm 2014 |
RURAL CULTURE 6Acrylic on canvas 45 x 45 cm 2014 | CULTURAL ASPECTAcrylic on canvas 45 x 45 cm 2014 | RURAL CULTURE 6Acrylic on canvas 45 x 45 cm 2014 |
Four sistersAcrylic on canvas 45 x 45 cm 2014 | UntitleAcrylic on canvas 91 x 76cm 2014 | Three SistersAcrylic on canvas 91 x 61 cm 2014 |
Gang Ngai FestivalAcrylic on canvas 76 x 111 cm 2014 | Two sistersAcrylic on canvas 45 x 45 cm 2014 | Welcome, Location Unspecified SeriesOil on canvas 121x182cm 2014 |
Welcome, Location Unspecified SeriesOil on canvas 121x182cm 2014 | UntitledOil on canvas 121x90cm 2014 | Welcome, Location Unspecified SeriesOil on canvas 90x121cm 2014 |
Vertica Growth SeriesAcrylic on canvas 45 x 60 cm _2013 | Vertica Growth SeriesAcrylic on canvas 60 x 60 cm 2013 | WITHIN TIME – VIII(Diptych)Acrylic on canvas 45 x 90 cm 2014 |
WITHIN TIME – VIII(Diptych)Acrylic on canvas 45 x 90 cm 2014 | WITHIN TIME – XAcrylic on canvas 45 x 45 cm 2014 | WITHIN TIME – XIAcrylic on canvas 45 x 45 cm 2014 |
Vertica Growth Series(Diptych Landscape) Acrylic on canvas 60 x 120 cm_2013 | Vertica Growth Series(Diptych Landscape) Acrylic on canvas 60 x 120 cm_2013 | WITHIN TIME – V(Tetrad Landscape) Acrylic on canvas 45 x 180 cm 2014 |
WITHIN TIME – V(Tetrad Landscape) Acrylic on canvas 45 x 180 cm 2014 | WITHIN TIME – V(Tetrad Landscape) Acrylic on canvas 45 x 180 cm 2014 | Vertica Growth Series(Diptych Portrait) Acrylic on canvas 120 x 60 cm_2013 |
Vertica Growth Series(Diptych Portrait) Acrylic on canvas 120 x 60 cm_2013 | Vertica Growth Series(Diptych Landscape) Acrylic on canvas 25x50_2013 | Vertica Growth Series(Diptych Landscape) Acrylic on canvas 25x50_2013 |
Vertica Growth Series(Triptych Portrait) Acrylic on canvas 70 x 35 cm_2013 | Vertica Growth Series(Triptych Portrait) Acrylic on canvas 70 x 35 cm_2013 | Vertica Growth Series(Triptych Portrait) Acrylic on canvas 70 x 35 cm_2013 |